Greetings from SCHSBM

We are pleased to announce that the Sagicor Cave Hill School of Business and Management – The UWI’s Alumni Association is being established. This is a resuscitation of the former Cave Hill School of Business (CHSB) Alumni Association. Most of you may have already registered in the UWI Cave Hill Alumni Association when invited to do so while signing up for graduation, and that is commendable. So, what’s the difference between the twosome have asked? Your qualification is UWI Cave Hill certified, however, your journey was with the Business School, to this end, we want to continue to be an invaluable part of your accomplishments, as your success is our success.



As we build on the network currently in place, this Alumni Association aims to have you onboard so we can achieve amazing things together. We look forward to keeping you in touch with the University’s programme of events, networking opportunities, promotion, and fostering mutually beneficial interactions between Alumni and present students. Through this collaboration, we will also be launching exciting initiatives to showcase you and also provide opportunities for you to make contributions as a way of paying forward.

We are enthused to embark on this journey with you!

Since your success is our success, we invite you to update your contact details, and in the near future we will give you an opportunity to let us know what you have been up to, so as we begin the alumni showcase, stakeholders will become more familiar with what you do.