Executive Presence and Influence

Executive Presence and Influence

Elevate your Leadership Narrative with Authority and Presence

As the demand on today’s executive leadership has increased, technical skills are not enough in corporate leadership. Executives must convey their C-suite readiness through the adoption of new standards of influence and by leveraging their leadership presence. Executive presence skills are ranked second in the top 20 leadership traits that make a difference. Why? Executives with a compelling presence stand out. Cultivate a commanding executive presence and communicate with impact with the SCHSBM’s Executive Presence and Influence programme.

Learn how to create a powerful presence through the application of persuasive strategies to enhance your personal development, networking skills and communication of vision. Using strategic influence tactics, you will learn how to exert influence beyond that conferred through formal authority and how to impact business outcomes.

“Leadership is not about being in charge. It’s about taking care of those in your charge.” – This program is designed to help you become an effective leader who takes care of their team while achieving organizational goals.

Learning Objectives

The goals of the programme are to:

  • Explore the key facets of executive presence and how they contribute to your credibility and overall effectiveness.
  • Decode and demonstrate the body language cues that signify power, confidence, trustworthiness, and competence.
  • Engage your audience regardless of whether they are stakeholders or team members.
  • Examine the psychology of trust in business relationships.

Course Duration

October 25th – 27th, 2023 (3 half days)




SCHSBM, Barbados




  • US $400 – Regular fee

Group and corporate rates available. Contact us for more details.

Upcoming Programmes

  • Finance for Non-Finance Managers
  • HR Essentials for Supervisors and Managers
  • Professional Business Etiquette for Success in the Workplace
  • Stock Market Investing 101

Contact Us Today

1 (246) 424 – 7731

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Key Programme Takeaways

On successful completion of the programme, delegates will be able to:

  • Leverage your unique strengths as a presenter for maximum professional advantage.
  • Use your executive presence to amplify your narrative.
  • Speak with confidence, clarity, and authority.
  • Deploy body language cues that command a presence that is powerful yet approachable in both face-to-face and virtual settings.
  • Establish trust that demonstrates credibility, integrity, and empathy.
  • Apply a variety of influence tactics to diverse business scenarios to connect with your target audience when you present information.

Programme Schedule By Day

Programme Curriculum

♦ Unlocking Executive Presence

♦ Mastering the Art of Presence and Influence

♦ Communicating Ideas through Leadership Storytelling

♦ Establishing Trust

♦ Analysing and Structuring your Presentation and Delivery

Executive Presence and Influence is designed for:

♦ Executives in leadership positions at all levels seeking to empower others and drive meaningful change through enhanced presence and influence

♦ Executives and Senior Leaders who want to become more effective in connecting with others through increased presence when speaking in public or private settings

♦ Senior Leaders and Managers who want to gain influence and authority

Why Study Here?

Enrolling in the SCHSBM’s Executive Presence and Influence program is a strategic move that can profoundly benefit your career and personal development. By participating in this program, you’ll sharpen your leadership skills, gain a competitive edge in the corporate landscape, and become better prepared for high-level executive roles. The program’s focus on effective communication, networking, and strategic influence tactics will empower you to not only stand out but also inspire and guide your teams toward shared goals. 

Furthermore, it encourages personal growth and self-awareness, making it a valuable investment in your long-term career success. Ultimately, this program equips you with the skills needed to navigate changing business environments and position yourself as a confident and influential leader, making a significant impact on your organization and your professional journey.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from experienced industry professionals and connect with like-minded individuals. Register now and take the first step towards becoming a more successful and resilient leader. Don’t wait any longer, take action today and invest in your career growth!