As early as the late 1980’s it was evident that the business environment was changing drastically. What was even more apparent was that a new breed of manager was needed to face the onslaught of challenges that the 21st century would bring.
In response to these factors the private sector of Barbados and other members of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), met with the then Principal of The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill campus- Sir Keith Hunte. With the support of the Governments of Barbados and the OCES, they planned the birth of a Caribbean, educational organisation that was capable of providing relevant management skills, leadership tools and knowledge to the region.
This group driven by the opportunity to create a legacy for the region sought the assistance of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), headed by the then Ambassador Mosina Jordan. She generously supported the concept and as a result, on April 17th, 1991 the Centre for Management Development (CMD) was established.
In spite of its humble beginnings as a pilot project with one programme and 30 participants the CMD grew by leaps and bounds. By June 14th, 2006 the organisation re-launched as the Cave Hill School of Business (CHSB); a modern organisation founded on three pillars: Academic Programmes, Executive Development Programmes, and Consultancy and Research. Though all of CHSB’s Academic Programmes are accredited by the UWI, the School operates autonomously, with all activities being conducted under the policy and direction of an independent Board of Directors.
The School delivers high-quality, cost effective and competitive training as well as organisational development opportunities to companies in Barbados and across the OECS. This is achieved by drawing on experts from both the private and public sectors, management training institutions and universities (regionally and extra-regionally) in order to ensure that the quality of our programmes are of the highest.
Our emphasis is on the quality essential for realising our vision of executive development that will meet the needs of the global business community, now and in the future and as such we are continuously examining new and emerging trends in order to improve our capabilities.