Students considering graduate education in business are often unsure whether to pursue an MBA or a Master of Science (MSc.) in a business area such as Marketing or Finance.  Looking at the CHSBM prospectus may raise even more questions since we have a full complement of MSc programmes in all of the key business areas and we have an extensive array of concentrations with our MBA option.  For example, a student can pursue and MSc. Marketing or an MBA with Marketing, or even an MBA with Marketing Analytics!
So how do you know whether to take the MBA or MSc. Routes?  Just ask yourself a few questions.
Question 1 
Do I desire to be a General Manager or CEO, or do I want to be a Director in a functional area such as Production, Human Resources Management or Finance?

Answer 1
The MBA is the better option if you want to lead the organisation because it delivers a wholistic perspective of business and its related functions, whereas the MSc. provides greater depth in the specific area in which expertise is being sought.

Question 2
What is my work experience?

Answer 2
The MBA is often more suited to young professionals who have about 3-5 years of business experience, whereas persons who may not yet business experience may be more suited to the Master of Science stream. 

See our MBA and MSc. options. Your Future is Waiting.

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